Friday, June 28, 2013

farmers' market fun

I think farmers' markets are the perfect places for kids to do a little shopping. I gave Alfredo $14 and a little bag and told him he could buy whatever he liked. I added that I really hoped he would make healthy choices.

Here he is buying some cranberry orange apple bread...

Isn't he seriously adorable?
And here he is with all his market purchases...
The bread, blueberries, bologna, and 2 ears of corn.

We talked a lot about making choices and about how things add up quickly. I encouraged him to interact with the folks at the stands. He tasted samples and reflected on which items would make good purchases. He asked questions and made really wise decisions. He was really close to buying a chili pepper plant but then changed his mind since he doesn't eat spicy food. He picked the blueberries because he wants me to make him some blueberry ice cream. When we came home, he had a lunch with all his market finds....and he ate every bit of it.

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