Sunday, May 5, 2013

Celebrating Our Children

May 5 is not only Cinco de Mayo, but in Japan it's Children's Day.  I don't know why it has taken me 21 years to celebrate with a bento dinner, but it was nice to have Cameron's girlfriend Gina join us.  She was such a good sport at trying the different foods.  Cam and Gina made the faces on the steamed buns and I think they turned out very cute.  Pictured below are some of the tools we used to create the fun food.
The egg molds were purchased at Amazon and a Japanese marketplace in Columbus.  I found a great online bento supply company called Bento USA.  Lots and lots of cute tools, paper products, & bento boxes.  I'm loving the nori punches for making all kinds of faces.  Super easy to use and a unique way to spruce up a plain rice ball.

Happy Children's Day!

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