Thursday, February 7, 2013

a little bit of catching up...

I'm working on something super fun to share with you...I can't wait for you to see. (Tease above)

We had a little bout of the sniffles, first Alfredo and now me. Alfredo is back at school now but I adored those special days of pajamas all day and extra snuggles, a little nest of blankets on the sofa.

I'm holding onto all this gooey sweetness I can. Not just when he's sick but anytime he snuggles near or wants me to rock him...his babyness is fleeting.

He still has this adorable little voice, squeaky and high pitched. I'll have to record him soon so you can hear it too. It is the sweetest little voice and in it I can still hear quite a bit of baby in it (I'd never say so to him...he's a BIG boy!) I know he will grow up and, in time, lose that squeaky little voice. But until then, I'm going to cherish it.

He got his first official report card last week. He received almost all M's (the highest mark)...yay, Alfredo! But the one NI (needs improvement) that he received is in articulation. The teacher recommends speech therapy. I know it's important. Alfredo has always been such an excellent communicator, even before he had words. And even now, at 6, people often have a hard time understanding him. Over time, that could effect him, perhaps make him not want to express himself verbally.

I think his interuption of language (hearing mostly spanish as a young baby, then English with us his first year, then only Spanish for six months just as he was starting to use words, to only English again when he came back to us) has left its mark in his speech patterns. But I have to admit, part of me will miss his little lisp and the other things that will count as "errors". My baby is growing up.

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