Friday, September 2, 2011


Thank you so much for all your love, both shared here on the blog and privately by email. I've been plagued with worry for months now. This morning I woke early, tossed and turned and worried myself into a frenzy. And it's such a shame because I think morning is the time when we should be the most faithful. Rise and shine with two feet firmly on the ground, an amen and an hallelujah echoing from deep within. But this morning I awoke with a head full of worry.

I know we'll be fine. Everything will be fine.

Okay, so how's about a new fall wardrobe...

Starting with this...

True confessions time...I have been really good for a long, long time with spending. Since tax day last year when our savings were wiped out. But something happened recently. It started with just a little leak in the dam...then, trickle, one purchase after, trickle, another and, well, the flood gate is down. 

This is the first of many new outfits...a new wardrobe, really. What do you think? The dress is Matilda Jane, from the new You & Me collection. (just wait...there's more from Matilda Jane to come...I went a little crazy). The belt is from my super sweet friend,  Bari J....bought it years ago. The jeggings, from last year. But the boots...confession ontop of confession...a TSV (today's special value) from QVC. (B. Markowsky)

And here's something super adorable:

Matt and Katie | Photographers {PROMO} from Matt E on Vimeo.

Found on The Ardent Sparrow

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