Thursday, August 11, 2011

summer patchwork

I'm inspired by Pam to make a summery patchwork, like the one she shared in Inspired Ideas Summer issue...

But I didn't have a bunch of pretty vintage linens...until now!

Ironsea sells fat quarters of vintage linens! Isn't that perfect? Especially for me, since I get a little paralyzed about cutting old fabric. 

I bought a whole bunch and can't wait to cut them into little squares and sew them together, in neat (hopefully) rows. Look at this pretty piece! Jeni sells bundles of the hems of sheets...many of which are edged prettily with lace. 

Wish me luck...I'm not so great at sewing. 

To see how you too can make a wonderful summer patchwork, click here to subscribe to the Summer issue

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