Tuesday, January 11, 2011

you can't beat a beet...

I love beets. I really do. But when I think of the mess of preparing them (and the fact that Rich won't even touch them if they land on his plate) I don't eat them enough.

That's why when I spotted these

at my grocery store, I was so excited.

And then I had them for lunch one day. It was the most beautiful plate...a little cottage cheese, some interesting whole grain crackers, and these beets (Sweetfire). Let me just say I have been thinking of them ever since. Not everybody is a beet person but if you are, look for Love Beets at your store.

Besides this little unsolicited endorsement, I also wanted to pop in to let you know that my dad is at home (since last Thursday) and he's doing so well. It will take at least 3 months before he can walk or drive but he's doing really, really well. His spirits are high and he's amazing at hopping around (with a walker).

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