Monday, June 14, 2010

naptime today

This is my view from here...

Alfredo's favorite thing to be these days is "independent". We've been encouraging him to do things on his own, like to take off his own clothes, go to sleep by himself, etc. I can't believe how much he's growing.

Today he asked if he could nap on the family room floor in his big boy underpants. So I put a vinyl tablecloth under him just in case, put on his sleepytime music, and he drifted into naptime. Yesterday he napped the same way and awoke with dry pants. I'm really hoping for the same today.

Okay, but do you see what a wreck my family room is? It is like that all the time now. As soon as I tidy it up, everything looks so new and happy to him that he digs right in and the room ends up the same way within, I'd say, 10 minutes.

And I can't possibly do anything about it now without waking him up. Maybe I'll take a little nap myself. 

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