Friday, May 7, 2010

feeling reflective

Here's a picture of Alfredo from about 2 years ago, just a couple of months after we first met him. I remember that day so clearly. And I remember that little jacket with a tiny lion on the pocket. He would point to it and roar. And he sniffed those daffodils with his nose all scrunched up so funny. And just look at that bit of dribble coming down his chin. Is it any wonder that we fell in love with him?

We're heading to California next week for a visit with Alfredo's family. Everyone is really excited. Especially Omar. He's doing really well here and he's happy. But I think he's homesick too. I worry about him not having any friends here. A trip back home will do him a lot of good.

Alfredo is a little worried about the trip, asking directly if he's coming back. It breaks my heart to think of how terrifying an airplane ride is to this little guy. And I ache whenever my mind wanders to that night when I left him. The sound of his screams are etched into my memory...just the thought of them makes my throat swell so much that I can hardly swallow.

And when I think back to how sad I was then without even a hope of being where we are now. I shake my head in disbelief.

A year ago this week, I went to California with my brother and two sisters to bring Alfredo home with us. Six months later, when it was time for him to go back to live with his father, instead his father came here to live. Isn't it an amazing story?

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