Wednesday, February 24, 2010

hope's sampler

I was thinking about the sampler I made for Hope's wedding last fall and I realized that I never showed you pictures. I had the idea that I wanted to make it the biggest grid sampler I could manage. It ended up being 60 squares and boy did it ever take some time to finish.

Looking back at these pictures, I'm remembering how lovely it turned out. I toned down my usual bright palette to match Hope's more sophisticated tonal palette and I used some of my very best buttons and buckles and lace and such.

I'm thinking about starting a new one of these extra large samplers and just tackling one square per day. If it's a busy day, maybe it's just a button sewed into place. Less busy days get more elaborate squares. Doesn't that sound fun? I'm thinking it would be a fun project for my birthday month. Next month I turn 39. I can't believe it. This will be my last year as a thirty something. How about that?

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