Monday, February 11, 2013

Valentine making

We were busy making valentines this weekend...

First we drew hearts with a Sharpie (or as Alfredo calls it "a grown up marker"). Then we painted the hearts. No need to worry about staying in the lines for this project...we had fun slapping it on.

Then we added cute little polka-dots using the end of a bamboo skewer dipped in white paint. Alfredo wasn't so in to polka-dotting so I did most of that...

Then I cut out the hearts, cutting on the inside of the black lines. The result...

sweet little paper hearts to add with our Valentines!

I bought a really sweet Valentine kit at a sweet little paper store in Petaluma. The Valentines were all postcards though and I really wanted a card.

So I layered papers and tapes and ribbons and then sewed around them using my machine.

They turned out so sweet.

These cute cards were part of a kit I found at Target. The kit only made 8 cards but it was so lovely I couldn't resist.

The kit included a cute polaroid-like picture of a heart. I opted to use a painted heart instead. And I added a mini-strip of photos of the 3 of us from Alfredo's party.

I love how they turned out.

I just posted all these and some took a bit more postage for things sticking up. Here's hoping they arrive in time!

After school today we'll get to work on class valentines...

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