Tuesday, September 25, 2012


The tiny room is nearly ready for you to see...It's installed on the chalkboard wall so we drew a house around the fairy door. I don't know how much longer it will last though. Alfredo really wants to erase it and draw his own charming house around the door.
Until then, here's a fun thing to try....

We've never had much patience for those "grow in water" creatures. Alfredo always rescues them from the water before they've reached their full size. Eyeing Rich's huge almost empty water bottle the other day gave me a great idea. When Rich finished all his water, we squeezed a couple of those tiny things (both dinosaurs in this case) in the water bottle. We filled it with tap water and now we can watch them grow (and we can't take them out!) A little experiment in patience for us.  

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