Wednesday, July 25, 2012

a week at the lake...

We're just back from our week at the lake, the best family vacation yet...

Adorable Shelby.

Fun in the lake.

Seth getting ready to race the gang. (Can you believe he's 10? Already?)

I love this picture of my sister Jennifer and Maggie sharing a laugh.

The walk to Swallow Falls just about did my folks in...but they were troopers.

On Wednesdays there's a fabulous farmer's market in Oakland. After shopping the market, we hitched a ride on this horse drawn bus.

Here's the whole gang of us, enjoying the firepit.

Darling Alfredo said it was the best week of his life.

Now it's back to reality as I'm digging out of my craft room. Thank goodness the hoarder police television people aren't in the neighborhood.

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