Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Studio Time

Jolly Jack is one of five new Bounce ornaments that will be available later this week.  Also, working on a large gourd for Ghoultide that is going to be insane!  My Halloween playlist has been on heavy rotation and I wish the gloomy weather would return.  There are only 92 days until Halloween!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Set #2

New grouping just posted on my website.  Fortuna's "crystal" ball is even receiving a vision!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

a week at the lake...

We're just back from our week at the lake, the best family vacation yet...

Adorable Shelby.

Fun in the lake.

Seth getting ready to race the gang. (Can you believe he's 10? Already?)

I love this picture of my sister Jennifer and Maggie sharing a laugh.

The walk to Swallow Falls just about did my folks in...but they were troopers.

On Wednesdays there's a fabulous farmer's market in Oakland. After shopping the market, we hitched a ride on this horse drawn bus.

Here's the whole gang of us, enjoying the firepit.

Darling Alfredo said it was the best week of his life.

Now it's back to reality as I'm digging out of my craft room. Thank goodness the hoarder police television people aren't in the neighborhood.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Bounce House

The last several days have been spent on my new BOUNCE Halloween ornaments.  They really do bounce since they are suspended on wire.  Multi-dimesional and can be hung on a wall or a fun Halloween tree!  They are available for sale on my website.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Two Green Thumbs Up!

I received this book today from Amazon and it is incredible!  I highly recommend it if  you have kids or you're just a kid at heart :)
Authors are Whitney Cohen and John Fisher.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Halloween 2012

The first three of a dozen new designs for Halloween are now available for sale on my website.  

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

summer fort

I was inspired by this a-frame tent, found via pinterest, to make a little summer fort/nook for Alfredo. I am also really inspired by all the pvc-pipe frame projects out there...we are seriously going to make that water sprinkler that you ride your bike through!

Okay, but back to the tent...

I had the idea that I wanted to make a patchwork "quilt" using fabric I had on hand, including some special fabric that I've been saving.

I'm not really so good with the sewing machine (it kind of hates me) so I only worked on it about an hour a day for about a week. I cut squares/strips of varying widths and then sewed them together to make a "quilt" that was about 5' x 8'. You could save yourself a lot of time by just using an old sheet. 

But isn't it bright and colorful?

I used a big needle threaded with baker's twine to make loops to attach the quilt to the pvc framework. For the framework, I used 1/2" pipe. The length of the framework is made with 3 pipes cut to 4'. The A part of the frame is made with 4 pipes cut to 3' (2 pipes each side). I used elbow connectors (4 total) to attach the base to those pipes. And I used 2 3-way elbow connectors to attach the top brace. Does that make sense? It was a lot easier than I'm making it sound. Oh, and best part of all...get yourself a handy pvc pipe cutting tool and you don't even need to fire up the saw. Easy peesy lemon squeezy.

I've been saving this lion fabric (above) and this Eric Carle fabric (below) for something for Alfredo. I think this is the perfect project. (And you should just hear him in there singing "Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?")

I'm thinking we might take it with us to the lake...it'll make the perfect shady play tent for outside too!