Tuesday, April 19, 2011

a fun day

Last week, Alfredo and I met Rosalyn-Sue and Coe Polk at our friend Lorraine's for a morning of fun. It's always a treat to visit Lorraine and it was extra fun hanging out with R-S and her sweet little boy. So much fun.

One of my very favorite things to do in the whole world is sit and listen to my friend Lorraine weave a tale. She has such a gift for storytelling! And guess what! She's sharing one of her famous stories in the next issue of the magazine!

Speaking of which, we're still working like maniacs on the birthday issue of Inspired Ideas. I can't wait to show you but we still have plenty of work to do. We're shooting for the end of next week. Oh! it is so good!

My good friend Pam is my right-hand-woman. She's quite an editor and sounding board and, above all, friend. We're hoping to get together someday this week when the sun is shining to take some photos.

Back to work for me...if you want me to send you an email when the next issue is ready,
Please sign up if you want to receive an email from me announcing the next issue.

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