Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bayberry Cove SALE!

My friend Debbie at Bayberry Cove is having her BIGGEST SALE EVER! 
Take 50% off everything (excluding pre-sale items). 
Just use the coupon code: OUTLET20011 
and 50% of the purchase price will be deducted at checkout.

And just look at these cute things you can get:

Birdie Basket Container
Reg. $24 Sale $12

Spring Queen's Ride
Reg. $18.50 Sale $9.25

Bunny Mushroom Cap
Reg. $33.50 Sale $16.75

Easter Party Set of 3
Reg. $56.50 Sale $28.25

These are just a few of my personal favorites. 
Head over to my friend's site: BayberryCove.com to stock up on these bargains!
Just remember to add the coupon code: OUTLET20011 during checkout to receive your discount! 
Coupon valid until May 31, 2011. 
Shop early for the best selection.

Psssst...help Debbie spread the news about her sale by posting about it on your blog.  

Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Easter!

 Look what we're making!

Aren't these adorable cupcakes?

I'm no baker so we just used a box cake and a canister of frosting. As I frosted each cake, I handed it to Alfredo who perfected the technique of rolling the frosted top in a plate of green sugar (Pearlized Emerald by Wilton). 

Then Alfredo decorated the tops with little foil chocolate bunnies and jelly beans. (all the while eating just as many as he put on)

Don't you love the new cupcake wrappers you can find these days? I love them but I find that the design goes away when you bake them. So I baked these cupcakes in old-school foil cups and then added the pretty cups post decorating (they are from Meri-Meri's cute cupcake kits)

I was just going to use regular pipecleaners but then had a terrific idea! 

 Here we had a kitchen table full of Easter egg dye cups that I was just going to toss (we'd already dyed all the eggs and our fingertips!) So I thought what if I plunk some all cotton pipecleaners* into that dye and see what happens...

The result? Fabulously dyed pipecleaners!

All cotton pipecleaners can be found at tobacco shops and are still used by pipesmokers for their original purpose.

Back to making cute Easter baskets. I'll show you a prettier picture of them tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I woke up this morning at 4 and couldn't get back to sleep. So I came downstairs, fixed a cup of coffee and decided to get my day started a bit early.

Can you believe how big Alfredo is getting? I love this picture of him with his Aunt Tootsie (my wonderful friend Lorraine).

Did you know it will soon be 2 years since he came back to live with us? Isn't that hard to believe? I'm just so grateful for this life, this beautiful path to motherhood.

He's doing so well. Growing into such a sweet little boy. So smart. So sweet. So big.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

a fun day

Last week, Alfredo and I met Rosalyn-Sue and Coe Polk at our friend Lorraine's for a morning of fun. It's always a treat to visit Lorraine and it was extra fun hanging out with R-S and her sweet little boy. So much fun.

One of my very favorite things to do in the whole world is sit and listen to my friend Lorraine weave a tale. She has such a gift for storytelling! And guess what! She's sharing one of her famous stories in the next issue of the magazine!

Speaking of which, we're still working like maniacs on the birthday issue of Inspired Ideas. I can't wait to show you but we still have plenty of work to do. We're shooting for the end of next week. Oh! it is so good!

My good friend Pam is my right-hand-woman. She's quite an editor and sounding board and, above all, friend. We're hoping to get together someday this week when the sun is shining to take some photos.

Back to work for me...if you want me to send you an email when the next issue is ready,
Please sign up if you want to receive an email from me announcing the next issue.

Monday, April 4, 2011