Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Chloe and Sebastiaan's wedding

I love this photo so much...on one side, the sweet love of the bride and groom and on the other, the love of my friends Lorraine and Joel for their daughter and new husband. So sweet.

The wedding was amazing. Our friend Tiffany took pictures and I can't wait to see how they turned out.

The hearts took a while to put up...about 2 hours...and I wasn't able to do them exactly as I'd planned because of the way the doors opened...but I still think they looked pretty. And the tree was really wonderful, although maybe just a bit on the small side. If I were doing it again, I'd make the whole thing a bit bigger. Tiffany said she'd share pictures of these to show you.

We're getting ready to head out to the beach next week for a vacation with my family. And you won't believe what I have up my sleeve. 17 snack trays! Yes, indeedy. I'm certifiably insane.

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