Happy Halloween!
We survived Sandy...for us it was just a big, windy rainstorm. Even my parents who live yards from a river in Tidewater Virginia were spared any damage. Thank God. I'm so sad for those who were devastated by the storm and I'm sending up prayers for them.
We used the time off Sandy afforded us to do a little crafting...
We made these tiny goody bags for Alfredo's classmates. Each little bag has a set of Halloween tattoos and a super creepy glow in the dark finger with a sharp fingernail on the end or, as Alfredo calls them, "claws".
And then, with inspiration from Pinterest, we made these pudding cups for the class celebration...
Vanilla pudding colored with green food coloring...
placed in a cup with a Sharpie-drawn monster face on the outside...
And topped with oreo crumbs for hair!
Aren't they adorable? I used my Vitamix for the oreo crumbling, which turned out to be a bit overzealous in its crumbling. The oreos were reduced to dust. Alfredo tested one and he said it was super good.
I love making this kind of stuff. It makes me so happy! Crazy that something so silly, like making crazy monster pudding cups, can make a girl so happy. I love this life.
Oh and we installed an automatic light in the tiny room in the wall...
diiiiing dong
"Someone's at the door..."
"Who is it, Alfredo?"
"Oh, look! It's our blog friends!"
"Come on in..."
Welcome to our little hole in the wall...

We were just making some Halloween art

Please excuse the mess...
Looks a bit like a hurricane went through, with that footstool askew like that.
This little gemtype gets me....his expression is priceless. And to think that picture is smaller than a penny? How adorable is that?
Should I decorate for Thanksgiving or skip right to Christmas? What do you think?
Meanwhile, Happy Halloween!
p.s. Alfredo is a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. No handmade costume for us. I know...for shame! But Rich is also dressing as a TMNT and is going to let me paint his face so at least I have that. Be safe tonight!