Wednesday, November 30, 2011

ready for December 1?

I just found this darling Advent Calendar in the making...

Isn't it adorable? Just look at the sweet ornaments...

She was inspired by this advent calendar from So Happy :

We had an advent countdown tree when I was growing up and we loved it so much. It was a lot like these...felt with numbered pockets. But we had tiny wooden ornaments that we'd pin onto the tree. We'd take turns each day putting them on, my sisters and brother and I, and it meant so much to us. Such a special memory. 

So December 1 is you have an advent countdown ready?

Making Snow Angels

Seems only fitting to be making snow angels on this wintery day.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

In between the basting and the spreading and the pouring and the boiling, I'm thinking of how grateful I am for this beautiful life. Thank you for being a part of it.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanks to Lulu of My Pink Turtle for the use of the pink turkey picture. I'd never eat turkey again if they were this pretty.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

Along for the Ride
7" x 4"

One of several Christmas pieces that will be available on Saturday morning.

a big little project

I have a really big but really small project that I'm planning. It has taken some convincing to get Rich to agree (and I'm not sure he has fully agreed) but here's what I want to do....

I would like to install a dollhouse door (or a fairy door...from here) on one side of our hallway wall...and on the other side, accessible by a closet, fit a dollhouse room box. I've been wanting to do this forever...and Pat's miniature Christmas (in the Christmas issue of Inspired Ideas) was just the inspiration I needed to push forward. (In other words, I've been working earnestly to convince Rich that it's a good idea and that we can do it)

My hope is that we can get it installed in the next couple of weeks and have it all decked out for Christmas. So here's a whole lot of fabulous miniature Christmas inspiration, courtesy the wonderful world of Mercedes' Liberty Biberty...

Here's her "country" house, all decked out for Christmas. Isn't it lovely?

I am crazy for all the detail!

There's a sweet little family, the Nylons, that lives in this house.

Here's a scene from the kitchen...doesn't Mom look ever so patient?

Daddy's home! What a sweet homecoming!

Can you get over how adorable this is?

Here's Christmas in another one of Mercedes' miniature spaces, "the barn"

And here's Christmas at "the cottage"...

I spy a tiny issue of Matthew Mead's magazine...

Mr. Nylon is looking cozy, perusing a tiny copy of Flea Market style!

Are you feeling as inspired as I am? All of the photos are used with permission from Mercedes' fabulous blog Libery Biberty.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

little man

This is one of my favorite spreads from the Christmas's just so bright and happy, isn't it?

Now that the magazine is published (and I'm waiting for the proof of the print version (coming soon!)), I hardly know what to do with myself. I have lots to do but it's nice to just dawdle a bit, isn't it? We have a playdate today so I really should be straightening up and vacuuming.

We had Alfredo's parent/teacher conference last week and his teachers had such wonderful praise for him. We are just so proud of him. She said that he had a contagious spirit and that all the other children adore him. She also said that she thought he is ready to start with early reader exciting!

He's been talking a lot about what he wants to do when he grows up. His list is growing every day and includes everything from a ninja super hero to a taxi driver, a nature photographer to a garbage collector, a paleontologist to a football star. He's also been planning out his future in terms of a wife and family. He's so serious in these discussions and it's so hard not to laugh. He talks about all the things he'll do with his babies, the games he'll play and the things he'll teach them. I try to match his seriousness but  he's just so adorable!

Friday, November 11, 2011

we need a little christmas...

We're planning to make our own tiny Christmas room inspired by Pat Wehmeier's fabulous Mary Engelbreit-inspired. It took a little arm twisting but I think I convinced Rich to do something I never thought he would agree to. You won't believe it! But I won't jinx it by talking about it now. You'll see soon enough!

This sweet little project by Pat Wehmeier is featured in the Christmas 2011 issue of Inspired Ideas online magazine, available here for just $3.99.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Elf tags from Mary!

I think the page of elf tags available to print (by the one and only Mary Engelbreit) alone is worth the price of the magazine. Aren't they so adorable?!

Look for these tags in the Christmas 2011 issue of Inspired Ideas...get your copy here. Just $3.99!

Speaking of Mary, she's hosting her amazing workshop this weekend in her studio in St. Louis. If you live anywhere close to there, you should go. I think there's still room and you deserve the treat of crafting side-by-side with kindred spirits. Register here.

Also, Mary has just announced something so fun...Club Mary! It's an exclusive insider club. I treated myself as an early Christmas gift. And I'm hoping we get a member badge and a decoder ring. You can join here.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Christmas Brooch Giveaway

Tracey made this adorable brooch for the Christmas issue of Inspired Ideas. Her idea was to shrink the Christmas sweater tradition down to a sweet little pin to wear on your coat, attach to a gift, or wear on your purse!  Isn't that adorable?

And guess what! you can win this very one! Head on over to Tracey's blog and leave a comment and it could be yours!

p.s. Thanks for all the love for this issue...I'm so pleased that you are pleased. :)


Whether or not you're a Twilight fan, this is a great tune.

Monday, November 7, 2011

I am giddy...

I say this everytime and everytime I swear it is is the best yet!
So many great projects from our favorite artists:
Just look at all the loveliness...


And my sweet friend Pam Keravuori drew an incredible sampler pattern for me to embroider to use on the inside cover...isn't it adorable? My favorite part are the elaborate patterns in the grassy hill under the tree...

Then come back here and tell me which project you'll make first...

Sunday, November 6, 2011

let's get our craft on!

I'm so excited to present the Christmas 2011 issue of Inspired Ideas online magazine.

Purchase it here

I can't wait for you to see! I hope you love it!


Alice, Rich liked your story of your design ending up on a gym floor that only lasted a year. So you win a copy of Matthew Mead's Holiday Magazine.

And, Linda, guess what! Alfredo picked you!

Congratulations to both of you (shoot me an email with your physical address so I can send those off to you!)

Stay tuned to the blog today...I'm hoping to publish the magazine later today!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

look! it's me!

Can I just tell you how excited I am to be featured in the pages of Matthew Mead's Holiday Magazine? And now that it's on the newsstands, I can't stand it! I'm so excited! I saw it at Walgreen's and I bought it. I saw it at my grocery store and I bought another copy! I bought two issues online (on top of the two Matthew graciously sent over) My sweet parents went to their nearby B&N to pick up a copy and they told everyone in the store (and in JoAnn's next door) all about how their "baby girl is in this magazine!"

If you see it while you're out running your errands, maybe you'd like to pick up a copy and declare to everyone all around "Hey, I know this girl!"

Or maybe you can just quietly buy the expanded version online and whisper it to your cat.

Or maybe you're feeling a bit lucky? Leave a message below telling about your own brush with fame and you might win one of the copies that I'm collecting. The best story, as determined by Rich and Alfredo over dinner tomorrow night, wins!

However you get your mitts on it, you really should. It's an amazingly lovely magazine. And I'm just so proud to be a part of it.

Meanwhile, we're in the homestretch with my own magazine, the Christmas issue of Inspired Ideas. Just a few finishing touches and minor adjustments and it'll be ready for you. Pictured above is my new favorite fuel...I've managed to go through all 18 k-cups of hot apple cider in about a week. By golly, it's good!

Can't wait to hear all about your fame and glory...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011

The rain stopped just before trick-or-treating. Even though it was chilly, the kids seemed to have fun. Cole promptly dumped and sorted all his candy and was pleasantly surprised to discover he now has a large shoe box stash of candy. Better hide those Twix bars Cole!

Clockwise: Little Witch (Bella), Red Riding Hood (Kaelie), Werewolf (Cole), Pirate (Adriana), and Big Witch (Angela)