Thursday, November 29, 2012

when in doubt, craft!

Do you ever find yourself in this situation? You're getting together with friends close to Christmas and the subject of gifts wasn't brought up. It can be a little don't want to make anyone feel awkward by showing up with a sleighful of gifts. But you'd like to give something.

When in doubt, I say, craft! It's the perfect solution. If nobody else brings a gift, you can just play it off with "Oh, this is just something I whipped up..."

I started with a little bottlebrush wreath. I used to sell these in my online shop back in the day when I had an online shop. They were Easter wreaths with little eggs on them. I plucked them off and replaced them with a bunch of ornaments from Target's dollar spot (1 tube per wreath but more would be even better!)

The best part of this wreath is the sweet little house in the middle. Jenny and Aaron used to sell these fabulous set of 4 Putz-like house ornaments and I happened to have an extra set on hand. I sprayed the wreath, ornaments and all, with glue and then I showered it with mica flakes.


You can easily make this wreath using any kind of plain wreath as the base. Pick up Jenny and Aaron's sticker sheets with the houses. (You can adhere the sticker to cardboard and then carefully trim around it.)

Monday, November 26, 2012

mesh stockings

I love this project my sweet friend Cherie Wilson contributed to the Christmas issue. So much. It's a sweet reminder of the sweet days of my childhood.
And guess what! Cherie is hosting a giveaway for not 1 but 3 of these darling stockings! Head on over and enter to win them.
Or make your own...detailed instructions included in the Christmas issue.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Sunday, November 18, 2012

a fun class...

Doesn't this look like fun?
My friends Eileen and Pam are cooking up an afternoon of holiday fun. I just signed up. If you want to join us, click here to register. 

Friday, November 16, 2012

Christmas issue...almost here!

I've been working for months on this issue of Inspired Ideas and I can't wait to finish polishing it up and get it to you. I'm shooting for next week. Above is a sneak peek of one of the projects.

Friday, November 2, 2012

coastal living beach house

Okay, have you seen the Coastal Living Beach House for 2012.

Designed by the fabulous Erika Powell, it is so wonderful. Here are my favorite parts...

I love, love, love these bunk rooms...

Seriously? I could climb into one of those beds, ala Goldilocks, and take a nice little nap. And can you imagine how much fun it would be to fill this room with sweet little girls who will stay up all night giggling and hopping from one bed to another...

And for the boys...

I love that each little bunker gets its own privacy curtain. Isn't that so stinking adorable?

And look at this cool movie room...

Isn't that wonderful?
Meet me by the pool for premovie cocktails...
Great job, Erika!

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Okay, so this might be a few more photos of a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle than you want to see, but goodness, he's cute...

And here's Rich & Alfredo just before they start the trick or treating...
